
The health benefits of video games

Although some video games are not recommended for children, it is now proven that specific ones can have positive effects on health. Here are examples of benefits of some video games  that have been reported.

Playing video games can reduce stress and relieve pain

A research study has reported that some video games may have a positive effect on people who suffer from chronic diseases or under heavy treatment such as chemotherapy. Immersion in virtual reality allows patients to reduce the anxiety and pain associated with medical procedures. 

A study conducted on severe burn victims also showed a decrease in pain of up to 30 to 50% when patients played video games. Indeed, playing video games promotes the release of endorphins in the brain. This hormone is associated with happiness and falling asleep from the feeling of discomfort. 

Video games to slow down the aging process

Researchers from the United States of America conducted a study on the impact of video games on the aging process by involving people over the age of 50 in the experiment. The results of the study showed that playing video games for two hours a week can delay the natural decline of cognitive abilities (e.g. executive function, attention). It is important to note that video games are not limited to open-world platformers, but include those suitable for the elderly such as memory games or computerized crosswords. They may also include other games such as roulette, baccarat or poker games that can be found in live Casino in Canada.

Video games to increase the amount of gray matter

A German study has proven that video games act like steroids on the brain and increase the amount of gray matter. Grey matter is a major component of the central nervous system that include neuronal cell bodies, dendrites and unmyelinated axons and non-neuronal cell known as glial cells. To carry out this study, a group of 23 adults aged about 25 on average played a video game for 30 minutes a day for a period of two months. Results for neuroimaging reported an increase in grey matter in cerebral areas responsible for memory, organization, spatial navigation and hand motor skills.

Video games help children with dyslexia read

A study conducted by researchers from the Italy suggested a positive impact of video games on the brains of young children. The experiment took place by separating dyslexic children aged 7 to 13 into two groups. The children in the first group were asked to play an action game and the other group to play a less rhythmic game. A reading test was then carried out and the results showed that the children in the first group read with greater accuracy and speed than those in the second group. Playing video games would therefore help children with dyslexia to enlarge their attention span and improve their reading ability

Strategy games for better cognitive flexibility

Researchers from UK have demonstrated that strategy games help develop intelligence by increasing brain flexibility. During the experiment, 72 volunteers were asked to choose between a strategy game and another game and play it for 40 hours over 6 to 8 weeks. A psychological test was performed on the participants at the end of the test. It turned out that those who played the strategy game had an easier time achieving cognitive flexibility tasks quickly and accurately.