
Multiple system atrophy

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a progressive disease that causes symptoms to worsen over time. It usually starts with problems with walking and balance, followed by muscle weakness and stiffness, difficulty swallowing, and trouble speaking. Eventually, people may lose their ability to move their arms and legs, and eventually become unable to breathe on their own.

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder that shares many symptoms with Parkinson’s disease, such as slow movements, stiff muscles, and poor balance.

Treatment includes medication and lifestyle changes to help manage symptoms, but there is no cure. The disease progresses until it causes death.

Symptoms of multiple system atrophy

SMA affects many parts of your body. Symptoms usually develop in adulthood, usually between the ages of 50 and 60.

SMA is classified into two types: parkinsonian and cerebellar. The type depends on the symptoms you have at the time of diagnosis.

Parkinsonian type

This is the most common type of AMS. The signs and symptoms are similar to those of Parkinson’s disease, such as:

Cerebellar type

The main signs and symptoms include problems with muscle coordination (ataxia), but others may include:

General signs and symptoms

In addition, the main sign of multiple system atrophy is:

You may also have dangerously high blood pressure levels when lying down.

Multiple system atrophy can cause other difficulties with involuntary (autonomic) bodily functions, including:

Urinary and intestinal dysfunction

sweating abnormalities

sleep disorders

Sexual dysfunction

Cardiovascular problems

Psychiatric problems

Causes of multiple system atrophy

There is no known cause for multiple system atrophy (MSA). Some researchers are investigating the possible involvement of an environmental toxin in the disease process, but there is no substantial evidence to support these theories.

Multiple sclerosis causes deterioration and shrinkage (atrophy) of parts of your brain (cerebellum, basal ganglia, and brainstem) that regulate internal body functions, digestion, and motor control.

Under a microscope, the damaged brain tissue of people with SMA shows nerve cells (neurons) that contain an abnormal amount of a protein called alpha-synuclein. Some research suggests that this protein may be overexpressed in multiple system atrophy.


The progression of SMA varies, but the condition does not go into remission. As the disorder progresses, daily activities become increasingly difficult.

Possible complications include:

People typically live about seven to ten years after several symptoms of systemic atrophy appear. However, the survival rate with multiple system atrophy varies widely. Sometimes people can live for 15 years or more with the disease. Death is often due to respiratory problems.

How to Diagnose Multiple System Atrophy

Diagnosing multiple system atrophy can be difficult. Some signs and symptoms of SMA – such as muscle rigidity and unsteady gait – also occur with other disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, making diagnosis more difficult. Physical examination, along with various tests and imaging exams, can help your doctor determine if the diagnosis of AMS is likely or possible.

As a result, some people are never correctly diagnosed. However, doctors are becoming more aware of the condition and are more likely to use physical examination and self-testing to determine if MSA is the most likely cause of your symptoms.

If your doctor suspects multiple system atrophy, they’ll take a medical history, perform a physical exam, and possibly order blood tests. Brain scans, such as an MRI, can show signs that may suggest SMA and also help determine if there are other causes that may be contributing to your symptoms.

You may receive a referral to a neurologist or other specialist for specific evaluations that can help make the diagnosis.

Tilt table test

This test can help determine if you have a blood pressure control problem. In this procedure, you are placed on a motorized table and strapped in place. Then the table is tilted upwards so that your body is positioned at a 70 degree angle.

During the test, your blood pressure and heart rate are monitored. The results can assess both the extent of blood pressure irregularities and whether these occur during a change in physical position.

Tests to assess autonomic functions

Doctors may order other tests to assess your body’s involuntary functions, including:

If you have trouble sleeping, especially interrupted breathing or snoring, your doctor may recommend an evaluation at a sleep lab. This can help diagnose an underlying, treatable sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea.